In 2019, New York/Canada’s brutal death metal band Brand Of Sacrifice took the world by storm to unleash their 2019 debut full-length Godhand which not only surpassed my expectations but a album that was groundbreaking for the genre. Fast forward in 2021, we have the sophomore full-length album titled Lifeblood. Musically, take everything from death metal, deathcore, slam and hardcore put it in a blender with electronic traces here and there and you got yourself a crafted album like Lifeblood. The artwork speaks for itself as the album is based off The Berserk which contained fantasy and dark horror. Lifeblood is simply put, an embodiment for modern death metal music and its simply a work of art with musicianship being the biggest highlight of the record.

Tracks such as Animal, Perfect World, Lifeblood and Mortal Vessel have shorter length of song duration but don’t let it fool on you because the way this band utilized their formula is simply put, astonishing. This album is highly full of energy, dynamic intensities and doesn’t overstay its welcome by all means necessary. They’ve taken the best aspects from The Interstice, mashed it altogether to create death metal nastiness and creative instrumentals to showcase the band’s side for experimenting many different genres all in one album is fantastic. The production, vocals, guitars, bass, drums and everything provided to the album’s listening experience is nothing but amazing.

Tracks are quite melodic, technical and progressive which isn’t entirely horrible by all means but the aggression, emotion and thought being made for Lifeblood is going to be special many years down the road for extreme music fans. Those who love that quality over quantity and if you enjoyed Godhand or The Interstice EP, then rest but surely you’ll enjoy this album beginning to end.



Overall Score: 9.5/10
Review by Jake Butler


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