MISANTHROPY – Abhorrent Metamorphosis


Misanthropy are an extreme metal outfit hailing from Chicago, Illinois and have created one hell of a debut full-length titled Abhorrent Metamorphosis. Combining various elements of death, thrash and crossover this is a album that features unique compositions, technical abilities and a massive momentum shifts that showcases maturity at its finest. This record demonstrates naturalistic song variations, polished production, matured songwriting and a continuation that’s undeniably straightforward where each member of this band really shows their devotion to keep the genre extremely creative.

From the moment you hear the opening track “Monument To Ignorance” to the beautifully crafted closure song of “Obsolescent Genesis” the members from Misanthropy have accompanied to construct and create massive amounts of mentality which musically, atmospherically, and lyrically speaking this is surely worth the listening experience. From the experimented programming, progressive guitar leads, astonishingly beautiful drumming arrangements and department so masterfully mixed, Abhorrent Metamorphosis does a remarkable job drumming arrangements and department so masterfully mixed, Ultu Ulla does a fantastic job keeping the songs more mid paced without any forces of competitiveness. For a debut full-length Chicago’s Misanthropy are showing many ways to prove the music scene that extreme metal is alive and stronger than it ever has been. Abhorrent Metamorphosis is a album shows the next evolution onto new branches and heights.

Overall Score: 8.5/10

Review by Jake Butler



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